Nita’s mom and dad are beginning to get the idea that she and her fellow wizard Kit are “spending a little too much time together”. So — explaining that they want to give her a little vacation from wizardry — they pack Nita off for a month-long stay with her eccentric aunt at her farm in Ireland. But this turns out to have been a bad move on Nita’s parents’ part, since Ireland is even more steeped in magical doings than the United States.
Nita, initially certain that she’s going to be bored out of her mind, soon finds that the serene beauty of the Irish landscape is deceptive. The ghosts of men and beasts and other beings — including what seem to be heroes, ancient gods, and even the Powers that Be — confront her at every turn.
Along with a group of Irish wizards, Nita and Kit (who joins her in Ireland) go to battle with the Lone Power in yet another of Its many forms. The fight is a personal one, as always — but this time there’s more than usual at stake, as the ancient Enemy of life attempts to submerge the everyday Ireland in an older, more dangerous one: a place where human beings are fairy tales, and the legends and monsters of Celtic myth are a deadly reality….
“Duane seamlessly interweaves encounters with creatures from legend with glimpses of modern Irish life and teen culture… So clever and well reasoned that readers will have no trouble suspending disbelief.” (School Library Journal)
“An engaging fantastical tale… Definitely worth reading.” (Book Trust)
“Suitable for a wide range of readers. The colourful descriptions and imaginative characters create an exciting read… found it difficult to put the book down.” (Platform)
Special commendation, Anne Spencer Lindbergh Prize in Children’s Literature