Kit and Nita join forces once more against the terrible Lone Power on an unusual battleground, as they fight for the heart and mind of a young wizard with the power to save their world……
Legacy pages
Rest and relaxation…that’s what Nita Callahan thinks she’s going to get when she discovers that her little sister Dairine has signed her up for a wizardly “cultural exchange” program, sending Nita and her partner-wizard Kit…
After returning from a hectic wizardly holiday, Nita and Kit are looking forward to returning to their everyday routine. But there doesn’t seem much hope of that what with three other wizards living in Nita’s…
Kit and Nita join forces once more against the terrible Lone Power on an unusual battleground, as they fight for the heart and mind of a young wizard with the power to save their world……
Legacy pagesNon-English language editions
Japan: “So You Want to Be a Wizard” and “Deep Wizardry” back in print!
by YWCom AdminThe new Japanese editions of So You Want to Be a Wizard are in the stores. Translated by Misako Tamura, SYWTBAW‘s and DW‘s new editions are published by Tokyo Sogen-sha. High Wizardry will come back…