Non-English language editions
Asian editions European editions
Inter- national editions: Asia The Chinese editions of So You Want to Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry, A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard’s Dilemma, and A Wizard Alone are now available. The new…
Finland “Haluatko velhoksi?” That’s how you say “So you want to be a wizard?” in Finnish. The Finnish edition of the first YW novel, Velhonuoret 1: Haluatko velhoksi?, has…
News & UpdatesNon-English language editions
It’s out in France! WIZARDS tome 2: Le Sacrifice
by YWCom AdminFrom Lumen éditions: the French edition of Deep Wizardry joins WIZARDS: Tome 1: L’Initiation.* Nita est en vacances d’été sur les rives de la magnifique île de Long Island. Une nuit, sortie nager, elle croise…
BooksNew Millennium EditionsNews & UpdatesNon-English language editions
WIZARDS tome 1: L’Initiation
by YWCom AdminThe book trailer for WIZARDS Tome 1: L’Initiation
Legacy pagesNon-English language editions
Japan: “So You Want to Be a Wizard” and “Deep Wizardry” back in print!
by YWCom AdminThe new Japanese editions of So You Want to Be a Wizard are in the stores. Translated by Misako Tamura, SYWTBAW‘s and DW‘s new editions are published by Tokyo Sogen-sha. High Wizardry will come back…