The paperback and ebook versions of the new So You Want To Be A Wizard International editions are here at last! The new International Editions will all use the revised New Millennium Editions text that…
YW worldwide
Just a note to let those interested know: the Japanese edition of A Wizard Abroad is now out. Also available: So You Want to Be a Wizard in Japanese Deep Wizardry in Japanese High Wizardry…
The Chinese editions of So You Want to Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry, A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard’s Dilemma, and A Wizard Alone are now available. The new paperbacks, with an Anglicized group…
Shaonian Mofashi Mofa Miji (So You Want to Be a Wizard): ISBN 7-5342-3010-1
The first four Young Wizards books were published in paperback by Corgi/Transworld in the early 1990s. Their ISBNs: So You Want To Be A Wizard — 0-552-52645-2 Deep Wizardry — 0-552-52646-0 High Wizardry — 0-552-52651-7…
Asian editions European editions
Inter- national editions: Asia The Chinese editions of So You Want to Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry, A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard’s Dilemma, and A Wizard Alone are now available. The new…
Finland “Haluatko velhoksi?” That’s how you say “So you want to be a wizard?” in Finnish. The Finnish edition of the first YW novel, Velhonuoret 1: Haluatko velhoksi?, has…