Some cats—the ones who’re also wizards—work in the world as the guardians of Gates, maintaining the portals between realities.
When an ancient evil threatens to flood through the worldgates hidden in New York’s Grand Central Terminal and invade New York with surreal horror from another dimension, four champions—an Upper East Side house pet, a neurotic tortoiseshell, a fearless alley tom, and a feral kitten—are called to defend the Earth.
Four small wizards must walk between worlds into the terrible realm of the Children of the Serpent, facing ultimate battle in a war against a darkness born untold aeons before the creation of mere man…
Reviewers say…
“Duane’s writing is lucid and often lyrical… The story intensifies superbly as it goes on, with dark journeys and some disconcertingly bleak scenes; and there’s an elegant moral twist.” —SFX
“Enchanting… The cats’ magical experiences give Duane an opportunity to elaborate on the complex structure of a secret cat civilization..” —Publisher’s Weekly
“Intriguing, with a well-worked backdrop… Fantasy-loving ailurophiles will curl up and purr.” —Kirkus Reviews
“Laughter, spellworks, battles, and personal growth all mesh into a Tolkienesque tale.” —San Diego Union-Tribun