Young Wizards at Halloween: “Not On My Patch”

by YWCom Admin

JD 2455501.625 / October 31, 2010…

A day on which even the black cats are wizardly and the neighborhood “haunted house” is full of real magic (and way too much candy). And as for the participants’ costumes…

“I’m starting to feel like a walking wardrobe malfunction.”

“Why?” Nita said. “You look great. You heard the people at the last house, they thought you were something out of the movies! And anyway, we haven’t seen that many other pirates.”

Kit snickered. “It’s not that,” he said. “I mean, look at them…” He gestured down the cross street at some of the other trick-or-treaters making the rounds, among whom there were a lot of long overrobes, pointy hats, souped-up broomsticks, and a positive superfluity of wands. “Half the planet’s running around dressed as wizards.”

Ronan grinned one of those lazy superior grins he specialized in. “One day of the year, sure we can cut them some slack,” he said. “Since we dress as wizards the other three hundred and sixty-four…”

Tag along with Nita Callahan, Kit Rodriguez, Ronan Nolan, and Dairine Callahan in this Young Wizards novella as they do a little overage Trick or Treating in their own neighborhood, and find themselves going up against an old adversary with a peculiar new ally…

Originally written as part of a benefit for UNICEF’s yearly “Trick Or Treat For UNICEF” appeal, Not On My Patch is available from Ebooks Direct, DRM-free and in multiple formats, and from Amazon in Kindle format.

Not On My Patch is also included in the print and ebook editions of the Young Wizards compendium volume Interim Errantry. You can order the paperback edition of Interim Errantry or the ebook edition DRM-free in multiple formats from Ebooks Direct or at Amazon in Kindle format.

As the story was


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The New Millennium Editions of So You Want to Be a Wizard, Deep Wizardry, High Wizardry, A Wizard Abroad, The Wizard’s Dilemma, A Wizard Alone, Wizard’s Holiday, Wizards at War and A Wizard of Mars have been revised and edited for their 21st-century readership.

All nine volumes feature new material which does not appear in the original editions, and continue the new 2008-based timeline established in the New Millennium Edition of SYWTBAW.

Box sets come at a significant discount from the individual-volume purchase price. All the books are DRM-free, and the box sets come in reader-tailored formats for all the major e-readers, as well as generic .epub and .mobi formats. (Yes, the NMEs can be loaded into your Kindle or Nook: we have versions tailored for the most popular Amazon and B&N readers, and are adding more.)

The Young Wizards New Millennium Editions are available exclusively from Ebooks Direct.

For more information about the rationale and goals underlying the NME updates, please see this 2012 posting at DD’s weblog “Out of Ambit”.





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