YW Forum members: nonactive user purge is coming

by YWCom Admin
YW Discussion Forum user purge

If you’re a Young Wizards Discussion Forums member and you want to keep your membership intact — meaning your profile and all your associated messages and threads — please note: we’re about to purge our databases of members who haven’t visited the forums in the past five years.

The official cutoff date for your last visit is 11:59 PM (US) Eastern standard time on December 31, 2011. If you haven’t visited us since then, we will (regretfully) purge your membership on May 25, 2017.

So if you’re one of our members who wants to keep your data active but hasn’t visited us in a long while, we strongly recommend that you revisit the Forums between now and 11:59 PM (US) Eastern Daylight time on May 24th. Doing so will reset the Forums’ stats for you and exempt you from the purge.

Meanwhile, if you’re not a member of the Forums but would like to become part of the oldest, most active and most comprehensive space for Young Wizards-based discussion on the internet, please feel free to  drop by and join up! Please note: at this time, due to increased activity by spammers, all registrations are now moderated. A Forum staffer will OK your registration within 12 hours.

Thank you!

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