Errantry Press is the Ebooks.Direct imprint under which we publish works based in the Young Wizards science fantasy universe. Our offering includes works based in the Feline Wizards sub-universe, and interstitial short works and novels…
AdministriviaNews & UpdatesYoung Wizards Discussion Forums
YW Forum members: nonactive user purge is coming
by YWCom AdminIf you’re a Young Wizards Discussion Forums member and you want to keep your membership intact — meaning your profile and all your associated messages and threads — please note: we’re about to purge our…
You have arrived at this page because you’ve attempted an action that is not supported on the new version of our website. Assuming that you’re a sentient being (because we get a lot of bots…
The Young Wizards Discussion Forums have been in existence since 2001. Originally hosted on the Groupee (later Eve) community engine / discussion board platform, they were migrated to a vBulletin installation in 2007.  Diane Duane…
You are not permitted to access this page. This may be due to a change in access authorization requirements. For some pages, access is possible only to users registered as members of this website. If…
You’ve reached this page because you were following an outdated link to a page or resource from an earlier version of our website. The resource you were searching for may have been removed from the…