Young Wizards LiveJournal Icons

by YWCom Admin

These are a bit of a legacy item, as LiveJournal doesn’t occupy the same niche in the social-net ecology as it used to. But we keep them here for those who might like them.

To save icons (in most browsers), right-click and use the option “Save picture as…”. Then choose a directory in which to save the icon, give the icon a name (if it doesn’t show one already) and click “OK”. That’s all there is to it! Afterwards, all you have to do is upload the icon to the profile or Web storage space of your choice.

Harcourt PB So You Want to Be a Wizard Harcourt PB Deep Wizardry Harcourt PB High Wizardry Harcourt PB A Wizard Abroad
Harcourt PB The Wizard's Dilemma Harcourt HC A Wizard Alone Harcourt PB A Wizard Alone Animated Harcourt PB A Wizard Alone
Harcourt HC Wizard's Holiday Harcourt PB Wizard's Holiday Harcourt HC Wizards at War Icon Waiting for Wizards at War
Just Another Wizard's Holiday Wizardry is Kid Stuff Feline Wizardry 'Save The World' icon Kid Stuff 2 LJ Icon
I'm In The Book (Nita) I'm In The Book (Kit) We're In The Book (Kit and Nita) Whose good idea was this?
Digest SYW cover icon Deep Wizardry (digest) cover High Wizardry (Digest) LJ Icon My Sister's Gone To Mars Again
Kit and Nita Kid Stuff icon Wizard At Work (Nita) Wizard At Work (Kit) Wizards At Work (Nita and Kit)
The Eldest 'So It Was True After All' icon

The Eldest Has ItLet's Just Call Fred


Here are links to some other small collections: (for some of these you may need to scroll down the page a little way…)


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